We defend the democratic rights and liberty in Europe


FIR, the umbrella organization of associations of former resistance fighters, partisans, deported, victims of Nazism and anti-fascists of today’s generations, observes with concern developments in various European countries that threaten the foundations of democracy and freedom of the

We call it among other  the threat to freedom of expression in Hungary,  the restriction of social rights and rights of workers and their organization in Greece, Portugal or Spain,  draconian racist sentencing of young people in the UK, who are accused of having been involved in social conflicts,  limiting the freedom of travel by reintroduction of border controls in Denmark in the past,  the massive spying on anti-fascist people through telephone surveillance and data retention in Germany,  the criminalization of the international solidarity movement with the condemnation of antifascists in Denmark,  creating a xenophobia atmosphere against Muslim and other minorities in Netherlands,  the criminalization and persecution of symbols of the communist and workers' movement in Poland, Hungary and Estonia,  the attempts to ban legal the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia in the Czech Republic and the attempts against the communist youth organization and other measures. Each measure in itself does constitute a threat to freedom in Europe. Moreover these restrictions and the associated attacks against social and left movements make it clear that preparations are being made hereby, to outlaw the protest of the people against the passing of the international capitalist economic crisis burden on their shoulders. Similar measures were imposed on the people during the decades of 1930 and brought fascism to Europe. In 1945 the opponents of the Nazis formulated the goal as "creating a new world of peace and freedom." This goal united during the fight communists, socialists, trade unionists, Christian, liberal and conservative forces – that means all anti-fascists. We defend the democratic rights and liberty, which for the anti-fascist forces of the anti-Hitler coalition fought in their heroic struggle. Thus we preserve the political legacy of the anti-fascist struggle. October 2011

2011. október 3.

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