STATEMENT OF P.E.A.E.A To FIR, to MEASZ, to all member – federations


We strongly condemn the new provocative actions by Hungarian neonazis who organised on 6th March 2010 a demonstration in Budapest named ‘honour day’ for the collaboration of Hungarian fascists and German S.S. troops who fought against the Red Army of Soviet Union during the 2nd World War.

Such a kind of activities are encouraged by various anticommunist action and decisions of certain European Union member states (i.e. the Baltic states). They tear apart Soviet monuments and rise in their place monuments honouring the S.S., they try to ban the activities of Communist parties and communist Youth organisations (Czech republic), they hunt communist emblems (Hungary, Poland). Also, they take anticommunist decisions, for example the European Parliament resolution that installed the 23rd August as a commemorating day against the ‘totalitarian regimes’ of Nazism and Communism. All these actions are taking place because the Memory of the peoples about the achievements of the Socialist regimes must be erased. They want to terrorize the working classes and to persuade them that capitalism, and his ‘child’, fascism, are the only way, especially now that they want to load to the working classes all the burdens of the economic crisis and to protect plutocracy’s enormous profits.
However, the decisive common action of the peoples and youth, along with their antifascist organisations, could halt the neofascists and the governments which are friendly towards the Nazis in the European continent and other places of the globe. They can open a road towards a new future, which shall have the man on the center of attention and not the plutocracy profits. This future cannot be other one than Socialism.
We declare our catholic support to MEASZ antifascist organisation and their attempts to cancel the neofascist provocation in Budapest. We ask from every democratic citizen to join us and do the same.
We believe that there is time to organize an international mobilisation initiated by FIR, on the European Parliament and on national parliament in every country and other imperialist centers. We should have as a target to stop anticommunism immediately and to restore historical truth, for the Second World War and the Socialism we knew in the 20th century.




2010. március 10.

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