Szolidaritási üzenetek


A MEASZ elnökét ért incidens kapcsán a világ több részéből is antifasiszta-szolidaritási üzenetek érkeztek. Ezekből a levelekből válogattunk az alábbiakban:

Az Osztrák Gyermekbarátok szolidaritását kifejező levele Hanti Vilmos iránt:
Solidarity with Vilmos Hanti

We – the Austrian Kinderfreunde and Rote Falken – are very shocked about the news from Hungary. Once again the far right has shown that they don’t have any arguments besides physical violence. We declare our solidarity with Vilmos Hanti, our friends from Hungarian Childfriends and with the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR).
For us the fight against Right-Wing Extremist groups and people is especially important to us in our aim to build up a new and better world. And we are going to fight with all of you together for this goal!
Freundschaft! Friendship!
Simon Walter
Secretary International of Kinderfreunde/Rote Falken
Simon Walter
Österreichische Kinderfreunde/Austrian Kinderfreunde


Idézet a holland antifasiszta szervezet vezetőjének, a FIR alelnökének a hollandiai magyar nagykövetnek  írt leveléből:

"Azonnali lépéseket követelünk  a szélsőséges jobboldal erőivel szemben
az önök országában, amely az európai demokratikus közösség része, hogy
a békés és antifasiszta Európa részeként a demokratikus folyamat
Türelmetlenül várom a reakcióját az üggyel kapcsolatban..."

Ambassade van Hongarije
Mr. Gyula Sümeghy
Hogeweg 14
2585 JD Den Haag

zondag 2 september 2012

Dear Sir,

Last week Vilmos Hanti, our president of the International Federation of Resistance Fighters (FIR) – Association of Anti-fascists and president of the Hungarian antifascist federation MEASZ, was attacked by a group of neo-fascist violators.
In the wake of an anti-fascist demonstration and manifestation in Budapest, which was directed against anti-Semitism and neo-fascism, a group of young people attacked Vilmos Hanti and beat him so that he had to be taken to a hospital. During the anti-fascist rally this group had already tried – under the eyes of the police – with shouting, interrupting the speakers and to intimidate the participants. When the police moved back at the end of the manifestation, the neo-fascist provocateurs saw the opportunity come to attack not only with words but also with blows, thou they call "enemies of Magyars".

That is a new quality of fascist violence in Hungary. The first victims of violent attacks by the extreme right JOBBIK were members of the Roma minority. Now, Democrats are attacked. Some months ago, extreme right media had launched a smear campaign against Vilmos Hanti, without that any court would stop this baiting. Now, this smear campaign changed to real violence.

Our antifascist movement in the Netherlands of former resistance fighters, Union of Antifascists  AFVN/BvA strongly condemns the extreme right wave of violence against minorities, against democrats and antifascists in Hungary. No country of the European Community must admit that extremely right terror will be exercised against minorities or as "Enemies" declared people. Fascism is not a meaning, but a crime!

We demand steps immediately taken against the extreme right forces in your country as a part of the democratic European Community, to reassure the democratic process in your country to be a part of a peaceful and antifascist Europe.

Awaiting impatiently your reaction on this case, I remain,


Mr. Piet Schouten,
Vice President of the  FIR / Western Europe *)
Member of the Board Committee of Union of Antifascists in the Netherlands AFVN/BvA

 in solidarity with our President of the FIR, Vilmos Hanti

*) The International Federation of Resistance fighters (FIR) is officially recognized by the General secretary of the United Nations as “Ambassador of Peace”.  By UNESCO, Paris and the Council of Europe, Strasbourg  it has the status as NGO.
 *) The AFVN/BvA is officially recognized by the Cabinet of Royal Family of the Netherlands as a resistance union
Piet Schouten
Bestuurslid AFVN/Bond van Antifascisten
Vice-President FIR



Kedves Barátaim,

Kérlek benneteket, hogy figyeljetek oda az újfasiszta támadásokkal összefüggő eseményre, amely során Hanti Vilmos, a
Magyarországi  Gyermekbarátok Mozgalma elnöke  lett az áldozata egy támadásnak.Kérlek
mutassátok az,iránta és a FIR iránti szolidaritásotokat.

Dear friends

Please see below a shocking story of neo-fascist hatred and violence in
Budapest, Hungary.  Vilmos Hanti, president of the Hungarian Childfriends
was the victim in the attack.  Please show your solidarity with him and the
International Federation of Resistance Fighters.



Tamsin Pearce
Secretary General
International Falcon Movement- Socialist Educational International


Szolidaritás Angliából:

Solidarity from Hackney District Woodcraft Folk, and personal solidarity from one who has been active against Racism and Fascism for over 50 years.
Some positive news. On Saturday 1st. September a mass peaceful protest prevented the racist/fascist English Defence League (EDL) from marching through the multi-cultural community in Walthamstow (our next municipality). Woodcraft Folk members took part. Anti-Fascists outnumbered the EDL by 10 to 1.
Richard Kirkwood


Szolidaritás Peruból: 

My solidarity with my colleague and friend Vilmos Hanti, assaulted yesterday in Hungary by a group of Neo-Nazis cowards. Unfortunately stupidity has also been globalized.

Vilmos,  you have all the support of your comrades from Los Cachorros in Peru. 
Luis E.  Jiménez Borra
"Hay hombres que luchan un día y son buenos. Hay otros que luchan un año y son mejores. Hay quienes luchan muchos años, y son muy buenos. Pero hay los que luchan toda la vida, esos son los imprescindibles". Bertolt Brecht (1898 - 1956)


Szolidaritás Szlovákiából:

Dear Tamsin,

we are really sorry to hear about this. We hope he will be okay and these things won't happen again.




Cher ami,

Vous trouverez, en pièce jointe, le courrier de protestation que la FNDIRP a adressé à l'ambassade de Hongrie en France.

Avec tout notre soutien et nos sentiments les plus cordiaux,

Secrétaire général de la FNDIRP


Szolidaritás Portugáliából:

A URAP – União de Resistentes Antifascistas Portugueses, ao ter conhecimento do ataque a que foi sujeito Sr. VILMUS HANTI, Presidente da Federação Internacional de Resistentes – FIR, por elementos neofascistas, vem junto de Vª Ex. demonstrar o nosso mais vivo repúdio por este acto e considera fundamental que o Governo da Hungria tome medidas, para que tal facto não se repita.


     Encarnação Raminho
Conselho directivo da URAP


Szolidaritás Pakisztánból:

Dear Vilmos Hanti and dear Hungarian Childfriends,
With great shocks we heard said news that our friend Vilmos along with others  convicted in ant baseless case. Due to this news our Half million workers became in suffocation and they came out on roads in favour of our comrades.Our organisation assure you that we are with your organisation, if you desire then we can arrange a protest in front of Embassy of Hungry, Islamabad ( Pakistan ) in favour of our comrade.
 I assure you that we are with our Hungrain friends, we never leave you alone.

Fraternally yours

Pirzada Imtiaz Syed
Secretary General


Szolidaritás Norvégiából:

Dear Vilmos Hanti and dear Hungarian Childfriends,
Framfylkingen sends our deepest solidarity to you, and wish you strength to keep on fighting for our common goal of a world free of fascist and violence.
Friendship and solidarity from Framfylkingen

Nina Langslet


Szolidaritás Németországból:

Lieber Kamerad Vilmos,

mit Bestürzung haben wir von dem feigen Überfall auf dich erfahren. Wir wissen, dass du und die Kameradinnen und Kameraden von MEASZ unter besonders komplizierten Bedingungen arbeiten müsst.

Als Präsident der FIR bist du für die Antifaschisten in Europa und besonders auch für die deutschen Antifaschisten eine wichtige Persönlichkeit. Du hast schon öfter in Deutschland auf unseren Veranstaltungen gesprochen und du hast viele Freunde, gerade auch unter jungen Menschen, gewonnen. Wir kennen dich als mutigen Menschen, der zum richtigen Zeitpunkt die richtigen Worte sagt, auch wenn du dir damit nicht immer Freunde machst.

Wir hoffen, dass es dir wieder besser geht und dass du den Schreck überwunden hast. Wir versichern dir und den Kameradinnen und Kameraden der MEASZ unsere Solidarität für euren Kampf gegen Neofaschismus und Nationalismus. Wir freuen uns darauf, dass wir uns nächstes Jahr in Budapest sehen.

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Thomas Willms, Bundesgeschäftsführer

Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes –

Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten (VVN-BdA)


2012. szeptember 4.

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